Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 330-341

The Implementation Of The Competency-based Approach In The Teaching And Learning Of English As A Foreign Language In The Algerian Secondary Education

Authors : بن زروق سماح .


Many Linguistic researchers, such as Nunan , Willis, Harmer ,Careless , Legendre, Roegiers Perrenoud and others , have been moving towards more learner-centred approaches to teaching, leaving away the teacher-centred methods that prevailed over centuries . This is why, the Competency- Based Approach (CBA) has imposed itself in the sector of education as a means to meet the new generation needs and integrate into the world community . This pedagogy was adopted by the developed countries in their educational systems a long time ago because of its multiple advantages on the individual‟s life in all fields ( social , economic , political ,etc.) . Consequently , the prosperity of any country is no longer measured by its material richness or its natural resources , but rather by its possession of brains and intellectuals . So , it was necessary for Algeria to invest these energies and to deal with them in the educational system by adopting a reform project and designing new curricula . In this context , the Minister of National Education Aboubakr Benbouzid affirmed : “ Education must be in perpetual renewal since the world today undergoes several changes in all domains : social , political , cultural , scientific and technical field .As a consequence we must do our best so that our educational systems can meet the needs of the development and take up the technological challenge which is the only way to have access to the twenty first century. ” (L‟éducateur ,2004:6). We have to point out that the school curriculum knew a light modification during the academic year 1996/ 1998 , where certain subjects were left out and others were integrated in other levels . Nevertheless , the schoolbook has not been modified since 1981 i.e. during 22 years the schoolbook did not know any changes ; from 1981 to 2003 the lessons were presented in a mechanical way (routine and practice ) with the absence of teachers‟ guide. The design of a new curriculum was then a necessity and an immense project that concerns

