مجلة الحكمة للدراسات التاريخية
Volume 4, Numéro 8, Pages 121-134

تخزيــن الحبـوب ببلاد المغرب خلال العصر الوسيط

الكاتب : مــــوسى هــــــــواري .


This article examines grain storage process in the Maghreb during the medieval period، it shows that this process was practiced by individuals and even nations that came to rule the area، and then exposed the reasons for resorting to storage، and handling after the storage methods that were carried out and which are divided into three types; the first storage method is to bury the grain in holes called "Matmurah"، this type is the most widespread because it is difficult to be found and it can store large amounts of grain for long periods، the second method is to store in houses specially built for this purpose called the barns houses، this type is mostly concentrated in Morocco، the third and last type of grain storage is the use of pots which are easily transported.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Grain، Storage، wheat، Maghreb، buried، barns.