مجلة الانسان والمجال
Volume 9, Numéro 2, Pages 244-257

The Inclusion Of Digitalization Into The Universe Of Teaching Efl -linking Education With Future Prospects-

Authors : Babou Meryem .


Nowadays people all over the world are almost the time connected and strive to gain new friends or to get bargains through the use of ICT’s instruments. The language that they generally employ is English. The latter has recently gained a fabulous place in the world. This reason has led many people to learn or to think about learning English so as to be ready for the current working world’s demands. At this level, the teacher should consider his way of teaching i.e. techniques and methods of teaching, as he should try to be more innovative in order to achieve his teaching goals and to motivate his students for both learning and then preparing themselves for their future careers. Thus, it has become apparent that teachers try to integrate new technologies to reinforce their pedagogy and to update their classrooms. Two research tools have been employed with teachers and students of the university. The results demonstrate that ICT’S devices have brought efficient results within the learning process.


digitalization; EFL classrooms; motivation; teaching; objectives.