مجلة أنسنة للبحوث و الدراسات
Volume 14, Numéro 1, Pages 143-154

Beyond Barriers: Unlocking Efl Students’ Potential Through Storytelling

Authors : Mokeddem Hayat . Kohil Mouna .


The aim of this study is to identify the importance of integrating storytelling in EFL classrooms. It describes the researcher’s own experience to explore the potential of the educational storytelling with her first year students at the department of English at Dr Tahar Mouley university-Saida; the course is entitled Research Techniques during the academic year (2021-2022). In addition, this research paper seeks to uncover the advantages of storytelling in relation to the basic skills needed in an EFL classroom mainly in promoting critical thinking and self and group reflection in preparing projects. Based on library research method and field observation, the researcher has noticed an engaged and inspired teaching/learning atmosphere where a sense of authenticity was raised and an emotionally conducive environment was established. Hence, teachers need to integrate storytelling through delivering good and captivating stories as well as inciting students to create their own.


storytelling ; critical thinking ; EFL learning