مجلة العلوم القانونية والاجتماعية
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 75-87

Water System In The Algerian Sahara "foggara In Touat As A Model"

Authors : Gaouba Youcef . Boussaid Ahmed .


Abstract : Obtaining water in the desert is considered as one of the difficult and arduous matters, and that is due to the harsh nature that characterizes the desert. The Twat region is one of the desert regions in Algeria, which is known for the scarcity and even absence of surface water. Aquifers are considered as the only resource in this region. That region where the residents excelled in developing an awesome irrigation system known to the public as the “Foggara” system, which is a system that was behind the stability of the Touati individual and the prosperity of his civilization. The role that the foggāra played in the lives of the residents of the Twat region made a prominent symbol for its residents. This symbol received great attention from the residents of the region, as they created “the foggara” and paid attention to maintaining it and also cleaning it periodically, which it confirms to us its important role in daily life as well as its symbolism for the Touati individual.


Water ; wells ; Foggara ; Sahara ; Algeria ; Touat