المجلة الجزائرية للأبحاث والدراسات
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 36-42

Social Networks: The End Of The Media Monopoly And The Emergence Of Citizen Journalism

Authors : Oussaidane Yassine .


In the present article we first attempt to draw up a summary of the change that computing tool had undergone through the various stages, and then we focus on this media metamorphosis, and of course, the passage from a traditional and conventional media to another more precise and expeditious. Thus, we address this transition from the printed press to the web, and at the same time, the adoption of forms specific to the web in terms of interactivity by heavy media. We will also point out the deep mutations of journalism under the influence of the different forms of the web such as social networks and blogs. However, the profusion of information on the internet does not benefit from the certifications that would be given by a publisher, an editorial board or an institution. At the present, this information tool is emerging to be a mass media, especially in terms of opinion formation and the flow of information and knowledge. Finally, the developments in social networks during the last few years have created a new mode of journalism, which is not unanimously approved.


Social networks ; media ; citizen journalism ; information