المجلة الجزائرية للأبحاث والدراسات
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 88-99

Geopolitical Implications Of The Russian Chinese Relations Within The Multipolar International System

Authors : Benzatat Mohamed Seddik .


The rise of China and Russia as major powers is transforming the international system towards multipolarity. Both countries are expanding their influence in their respective regions, shaping regional dynamics, and challenging Western hegemony. This impacts international relations, as China and Russia form strategic partnerships and rivalries with other major powers like the US. Their economic strength also gives them leverage, with China being the largest global exporter and Russia a major energy producer. Militarily, both countries pose security challenges, especially in regions of strategic importance like Eastern Europe and the Asia Pacific. Russia uses regional blocs like the Eurasian Union and CSTO to extend its influence, while China utilizes the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and AIIB. Their joint rise redistributes global power, requiring the US and West to rethink relations. A multipolar world leads to more complex interactions and balances between major powers. Though offering some stability, rising powers like China and Russia complicate international relations. Understanding their implications is key for the evolving global order


China ; Russia ; Sino-Russian relations ; multipolar international system ; geopolitics