التكامل الاقتصادي
Volume 12, Numéro 1, Pages 421-440

Diversification Of Exports, Attractiveness Of Foreign Direct Investment, And Free Zone In Algeria: State Of Affairs And Comparative Analysis With Morocco

Authors : Bouaichi Numidia . Rezki Djalal .


This article aims to primarily study the possibilities of constructing an industrial export free zone in Algeria through a comparative analysis with the Tanger Free Zone in Morocco. To achieve this, we first began by analyzing the economic characteristics of both countries (structure, export diversification, attractiveness for Foreign Direct Investment). Subsequently, we examined the Tangier industrial free zone to gain a thorough understanding of its structure and operation. Finally, we constructed a SWOT matrix for Algeria to identify its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. By comparing these two analyses, we concluded that establishing an industrial export free zone is a crucial step for Algeria. This zone is unique in its ability to create a conducive business environment in terms of fiscal, customs, and exchange conditions. Consequently, this will enable the country to attract more investors and benefit from a strong and diversified economy oriented towards exports


Free zone ; Diversification ; FDI ; Algeria ; Morocco