Volume 16, Numéro 1, Pages 590-600

The Influence Of Gender On The Use Of Code-switching In The Algerian Context

Authors : Sekhri Ouided .


This paper sheds some light on the differences between male and female students in using languages in one of the Algerian universities; more specifically, it tries to answer the question: Who tend to switch the code more, males or females? In order to check who code switches more than the other does, it is hypothesised that: If female speakers want to show their identity in a prestigious position or situation, they tend to code switch in their conversations more than males. To test the validity of this hypothesis, three tools have been utilised. These tools are an observation, questionnaire and interview. The results have shown that female speakers code-switch more than male speakers do. For this result, female speakers have stated different reasons of code-switching in their speech. One of the most important reasons of code-switching is that it is a way of being prestigious and showing off; but there is one participant who did not code-switch during the indirect-interview chatting although when she answers the questionnaire, she says that code-switching is part of her daily life.


Gender differences ; males and females ; students ; code-switching