Volume 4, Numéro 2, Pages 7-15

Patriarchal Residue In Mainstream Feminist Texts

Authors : Saif Mahmood Mahim .


To identify the subtle traces of patriarchal influence woven throughout their narratives, this paper critically analyses some of the most influential feminist literature from the Western canon. It emphasizes the pressing necessity to recognize and address the subliminal patriarchal promotion fostered by these essential literary works. This study aims to investigate and analyze these texts to expose the pervasive patriarchal overtones that can be found in even the most acclaimed works of feminist literature and to spark discussion about the unintended repercussions of their promotion. This study tries to improve our comprehension of the larger socio-cultural setting in which feminism functions by highlighting the sneaky existence of patriarchal influence. We can participate in the critical discussion to confront these engrained biases and work toward more inclusive and equitable feminist discourse by recognizing the subliminal promotion of patriarchy within significant feminist books. The study finally promotes a new commitment to intersectionality and the empowerment of different voices by encouraging readers and academics to reexamine canonical feminist works.


Western literature, patriarchal influence, gender roles, feminist discourse, critical analysis, unconscious biases, power structures, and intersectionality