مجلة الرسالة للدراسات والبحوث الإنسانية
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 18-28

Burnout And Its Relationship To Psychological Hardiness Among Psychologists

Authors : Sgatni Marya . Zerzour Ahmed .


This study aimed at highlighting the phenomenon of burnout and its relationship with psychological hardiness to the psychologist, considering that burnout is a serious situation resulting from difficult work conditions that can deplete the psychological and physical resources of the psychologist, contrary to psychological hardiness which is considered as one of the psychological variables that relieve the impact of stressful events , thus, it represents a source of resistance, resilience, and protection from stress. Therefore, the study results showed that specialists who demonstrate low psychological hardiness reveal increased signs of burnout, in contrast to more resilient specialists who commit themselves to their actions and control their reactions to stressful, frustrating and challenging situations easily


Burnout ; Psychological Hardiness ; Psychologist ; Psychology ; Stress